Tour operator in Armenia
  • $393.35
  • 409.08
  • 4.45

Explore Armenia in 14 days

Locations:Monastery Haghartsin Monastery Makaravank Lake Parz
Explore Armenia in 14 days

City-tour in Yerevan, visiting the Church of Mughni, Ovanavank, exploring Lastiver. Walking tour to the monastery Makaravank, a trip to the monastery complex Haghartsin. A trip to the lake Parz.

Tour program

Tour program

Day 2 - Monastery Mughni, Monastery Saghmosavank, Amberd fortress

Driving to Ashtarak town. Visiting the church Mughny. Driving to the church Ohanavank and then to the church Sergevilabank. Hiking to the river Kasakh and then to the church Zhairapor. Seeing the church. Hiking to the church Saghmosavank. Visiting the church. Driving to the Orgov cross. Hiking through the gorge of Arkhashen River to Amberd fortress. Visiting the fortress. Descending to the coniferous forest. Camping.  Dinner. Overnight.

Day 3 - Spitak, monastery Sanahin, river Debed

Driving to Spitak town. Stay at the Ezidian village Ria-Taza. Ezids are ethnoconfessional group of Kurds talking on the dialect of Kurdish language and practicing the syncretic religion which combines the elements of the ancient Persian religion, Judaism and Islam. Ezids’ religion is notable for sun, moon and fire worship. Visiting the burial ground of sun-worshipers. Driving through the pass to Spitak town. Sightseeing. Driving through Vanadzor town to Kobayr monastery complex. Visiting the complex. Driving to Alaverdi town. Lunch-picnic on the bank of Debet River. Descending by the rope-way to the village Sanahin. Hiking to Sanahin monastery. Visiting the monastery. Hiking to the Mikoyans’ home-museum (in 1940 under the direction of A. I. Mikoyan jointly with M. I. Gurevich MiG-1 and its modification MiG-3 were constructed). Hiking through the village Aknar to the gorge of Haghpat River. Driving to the monastery Haghpat. Visiting the monastery. Driving through the gorge of Marts River to the village Dsegh. Camping near the river. Dinner. Overnight.

Day 4 - Sarnajur River, Okunavank, Lastiver

Driving through the village Atan to Gugark mountain range. Ascending through the gorge of Sarnajur River to the church Okunavank. Seeing the church. Hiking along the river to the place of Lastiver. Camping near the waterfall cascade in the Canyon of Sarnajur River. Lunch. Seeing the waterfalls. It is possible to swim in the waterfall. Rest. Dinner. Overnight. 

Day 5 - Lastiver, Haghartsin, Makaravank monasteries, Aghstev River

Hiking to the caves situated in the place of Lastiver. Visiting the caves. Back to the camp. Lunch. Rest. Direction to the summer pasture of the village Yenokavan. Driving to the village Aghajur situated in the valley of Agstev River. Hiking to Makaravank monastery. Visiting the monastery. Driving to the gorge of the river Haghartsin. Camping. Dinner. Overnight.

Day 6 - Haghartsin monastery, Matosavank monastery, Dilijan

Driving to Haghartsin monastery complex. Visiting the complex. Hiking through the   forest to the Dilijan mineral water factory. Lunch. Visiting Jukhtak Vank monastery complex. Hiking to Matosavank monastery. Back to the mineral water factory. Driving to Dilijan town. Accommodation in the hotel. Dinner. Overnight.

Day 7 - Lake Parz, Monastery Goshavank, cemetery Noraduz

Driving to the lake Parz Lich. Sightseeing. Hiking along Aregun mountain range to Goshavank monastery. Seeing the monastery. Lunch. Driving to Sevan Peninsula. Visiting Sevanavank monastery. Driving to the church Hayravank. Visiting the church. Driving to the cemetery Noraduz. Visiting the old cemetery. Driving to Selim Karavan-Saray. Sightseeing. Driving to the village Yeghegis, to the mineral spring. Camping. Dinner-picnic. Overnight. 

Day 8 - Smbataberd fortress, church Zorats, Goris town

Hiking to the church Zorats. Visiting the church. Hiking to the church Tsakhats Kar and Smbataberd fortress. Visiting the unique medieval Jewish cemetery. Back to the camp. Lunch. Rest. Driving to Goris town. Accommodation in the hotel. Dinner. Overnight.

Day 9 - Tatev Monastery, the Devil

Driving to the village Khndzoresk. Ascending to the village Old Khndzoresk and visiting the cave-dwellings. Driving to Tatev monastery complex. Visiting the complex. Driving to the Devil’s Bridge. Sightseeing. Hiking to the women monastery Anapat. Back to the Devil’s Bridge. Lunch near the bridge. Driving to the village Vorotan. Camping near the hot spring. Dinner. Overnight.

Day 10 - Jermuk, Shake waterfall Karahunj, Gndevank

Driving to the church Vorortavank. Visiting the church. Driving to the waterfall Shaki. Stay by the waterfall. Direction to the ancient observatory Karahunj. Sightseeing. Driving to the village Gndevaz. Lunch at a village-house. Hiking to the church Gndevank. Visiting the church.  Driving to Jermuk town. Sightseeing. Dinner. Overnight in the hotel

Day 11 - Church Tanahat, Gladzor University, Noravank Monastery, Cave Tombs

Driving to the church Tanahat. Visiting the church and the ruins of Gladzor University. Driving to the museum of Gladzor University. Visiting the museum. Driving to the village Vernashen. Hiking to the church Spitakavor. Back to the village Vernashen. Driving to Noravank monastery complex. Lunch. Visiting the monastery Noravank. Camping. Driving to Mogil cave. Visiting the cave. Back to the camp. Dinner. Overnight.

Day 12 - Monastery Khor Virap, Monastery Geghard, Monastery Havuts Tar

Driving to Khor-Virap monastery. Visiting the monastery. Driving to Geghard. Lunch. Driving to the village Gokht. Hiking to the monastery Havuts Tar. Seeing the monastery. Camping. Dinner. Overnight.

Day 13 - Azat river, Garni Temple, Echmiadzin, Shoghakat, Hripsime, Gayane, Zvartnots churches

Descending to Azat River. Visiting Garni temple. Driving to Yerevan. Accommodation in the hotel. Lunch. Trip to Ejmiatsin. Seeing the churches of Shoghakat, St. Hripsime, St. Gayane and ruins of Zvartnots. Back to the hotel. Farewell dinner at the restaurant accompanied with folk musicians.

Day 1 - Departure from Yerevan
Day 14 - Departure from Yerevan

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