Tour operator in Armenia
  • $398.97
  • 418.48
  • 4.07


Armenia is situated in a subtropical zone, among ridges of the central part of Small Caucasus

Climate of armenia

Armenia is situated in a subtropical zone, among ridges of the central part of Small Caucasus, and the fact that more than 90 percent of its territory lays at the height over 1000 meters above sea level, defines the most essential features of the climate. The climate of Armenia is characterized with great number of solar energy, the big variability of a weather mode in time and well-expressed vertical climatic zone which is created by Complex Mountain relieves.

In Armenia, as well as in other highlands, the average annual temperature goes down in process of raising in mountains on one degree on every one of 200 meters of rise. A good example of it is the fact that there is a difference between the average temperature in areas of University and the monument to Guy in the city of Yerevan.

Distribution of heat in Armenia is strongly subordinated to a seasonal rhythm. In Araratskoj to a valley the monthly average temperature of July is 25-27 °, an absolute maximum is +42 °; in January monthly average temperature is -5-7 °, an absolute minimum is -30 °. In the area of Lake Sevan in summer temperature is 18-20 °, in winter it is - 8-12 °. On the shore of Lake Arpi the absolute minimum -46 ° is registered.

In Ararat valley frost-free period lasts for about 250 days in a year, in the area of Lake Sevan - from 150 till 200 days, in high mountains - from 30 till 50 days. On average for a year in Armenia 550 mm of precipitations drop out. The maximum is observed in the spring and in the beginning of summer, a minimum - in second half of summer and in the winter. The minimum quantity of precipitations (200-250 mm) drops out in Ararat valley. Rains in the summer frequently pass in downpours; the winter snow cover in Ararat valley is unstable because of periodic thawing weather, in the area of Lake Sevan the snow keeps rather long and its capacity reaches 100cm.

A very big number of a sundial is typical for Armenia. That is why people coming to Armenia in the summer become covered by even beautiful sunburn. Autumn is the best season in Armenia. It is more long than spring. Soft, solar weather, brightness of landscapes, an abundance of autumn fruit give to this season special charm.