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Travel agency awards

"FIRST Travel and Services" certificated in recognition of outstanding commitment to Quality and Excellence, which merits the Century International Gold Quality Era Award. In the realm of Customer Satisfaction, Leadership, Strategic Planning and Benchmarking, as established in the QC100 TQM system.

Geneva, July 1, 2002.
The Century International Quality Era Award for Innovation, Technology and Management is an endorsed image symbol with transmits commitment to Quality and Service and helps companies to be better known.
In 2002 "FIRST Travel and Services" was honored with Century International Quality Era
Award. The ceremony took place in Geneva, Switzerland in the Convention Hall of theIntercontinental Hotel, one of the most modern hotels in Geneva. The event was presided by Jose E. Prieto, President and CEO of BID (Business Initiative Directions) along with outstanding personalities from the business world and international members of the diplomatic corps in Switzerland.
The Century International Quality Era Award honored by BID is considered to be one of the most prestigious. It is presented to each company as an entity, for corporate achievement, to recognize leadership, quality, innovation, excellence, technology and prestige. Being founded in 1964, in the mid-1970's, B.I.D. began developing quality award programs based on the criteria of the QC·100, a model of Total Quality Management (TQM). The Century International Quality Era Award is recognized internationally as a pattern model. Since its inception, different groups of businesses representing a large number of employees have participated in the B.I.D. Nowadays it is known all over the world and cooperates with companies from 166 countries. Most outstanding among participating companies are Laboratorio Nacional de la Construcción, number one company in Mexico for the verification and quality control in the construction industry; Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, a Russian state organization, more than 100 years old, in charge of certifying and establishing quality and safety standards in Russia and the former Soviet Union; Korea Electric Power Corporation, ranked 382nd in the world, according to the Global Fortune 500 list (Fortune Magazine); Beijing Cofco Plaza Development Co. Ltd., China, ranked 413th worldwide; Indian Oil Corporation, ranked 232nd in the Global Fortune 500 list; Polyot, a Russian company specialized in producing spacecrafts and launch vehicles, operating under the Russian Space Agency. Today "FIRST Travel and Services" is also added to this list.
The B.I.D. International Quality Award recipients in 166 countries demonstrate the highest level of quality excellence. The candidates are selected by voting system. BID carries out continuous polls among the companies who vote for the best companies. In addition to the voting process, the Jury of the Business Initiative Directions gathers information through consultations of the media (press, radio and television), consulting companies, advertising agencies, trade fairs and exhibits, chambers of commerce, embassies, polls, including the on-line macro poll, which is analyzed by the International Committee for the Total Quality Management QC·100 model which makes the final decision about companies designated with the award. The awarded companies are supposed to be close to the criteria of the QC100 TQM (Total Quality Management), the contents of which serve as guidelines to business leaders to improve processes and systems.
Thus, we are proud to be recognized in outstanding commitment to Quality and Excellence, which merits "FIRST Travel and Services" the Century International Gold Quality Era Award in the realm of Customer Satisfaction, Leadership, Strategic Planning and Benchmarking, as established in the QC100 TQM system.