Tour operator in Armenia
  • $393.35
  • 409.08
  • 4.45


Mount Arai Ler is an extinct volcan in Armenia

Mount Arai Ler

Mount Arai Ler is an extinct volcan in Armenia. It is located in Aragatsotn region, between the Hrazdan and Kasakh rivers. The height of the mountain above sea level is 2577 meters.

Arai Ler or "Mountain Ara" keeps the memory of the king Ara Beautiful and his love to Semiramis. According to ancient legend Ara Beautiful rejected the love of Queen Semiramis and was soon killed in battle at this mountain. His body lies on top of the mountain. Since then, the mountain bears his name Ara.

Climatic conditions differ sharply expressed continental and dry, with large annual and daily fluctuations of temperature and humidity.

The view on Arai Ler from Ovanavank and Saghmosavank monastries are wonderful.