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Lake Sevan

In ancient times it was called Gegharkunik or Geghama Sea

Lake Sevan - Geghama Sea

Sevan is one of the three large lakes in the Armenian highland.
In ancient times it was called Gegharkunik or Geghama Sea. Sevan is the largest lake in Caucasus as well as one on the largest and highest freshwater lakes of the world.

The lake surface is at an altitude of 1897m above sea level. Its depth is 80m, an area-1260km?, lengh-70km, width-55km and the volume is 58billion cubic metres. Sevan consists of two unequal parts - Big Sevan and Small Sevan.

Sevan is fed by 28 rivers of which Gavaraget, Argithci, Martuni, Karthcaghbyur, Masrik, Dzknaget are the most famous.
Sevan is of grate importance from the view of tourism. Around the coast there are many ‘cyclopean’ fortresses relating to the Bronze Age (Lcashen, Hayravanq).

Around the coast there are many ‘cyclopean’ fortresses relating to the Bronze Age (Lcashen, Hayravanq). Archaeological research has shown that 3500 years ago the substantial part of Sevan was occupied by land. There were populated areas where the population was engaged in farming and cattle-breeding.

In the history of Armenian people many significant events are associated with the Lake Sevan.