Tour operator in Armenia
  • $393.35
  • 409.08
  • 4.45

Museum of the Armenian legendary brandy Ararat

The ARARAT Museum is located inside the walls of the monumental Yerevan Brandy Company building

Museum of the Armenian legendary brandy Ararat

The ARARAT Museum is located inside the walls of the monumental Yerevan Brandy Company building, which rises on the right bank of the Hradzan river.

This is where your acquaintance with beautiful Yerevan and the Legendary Armenian ARARAT brandy begins. Every hour, from 9am to 8pm, 7 days a week, friendly guides conduct tours in Armenian, Russian, English, French and German.

To immerse yourself in the centuries-old history of this noble drink and the secrets of modern production, you should taste two or three brandies from the ARARAT range.